Michelle caravella hosts a women's retreat


“A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in.”

  • Jeanette LeBlanc

Spiritual Empowerment Workshops For Women ✧ Based In New Jersey ✧ Serving Clients Worldwide

Gathering with other women through Soul Circles, retreats, or workshops can shake you to your core – in the best, most beautiful ways.

Connecting with like-hearted women – who listen and share – is an experience that heals, nourishes, and amplifies the power within each of us.

Even though we have people in our lives in the form of relationships, families, friends, or coworkers, many of us feel isolated and alone as we move through our days. We crave space to slow down and set aside our daily to-do’s so we can root back into ourselves.

Michelle caravella speaks to a group of women

Women have been gathering in circles for the past 300,00 years.

In various indigenous traditions, the moon lodge was a revered sanctuary where women would retreat to rest, heal, and connect with other women and nature.

The moon lodge had spiritual significance as a space where women could tune into their bodies and emotions. It was also a place to gain powerful insights through experiencing the compassion, support, and vulnerability of others.

Michelle caravella hosts a workshop for Athleta

As modern women, we are more “connected” than our mothers and their mothers— but the kinds of connections that weave us together often leave us feeling judged, misunderstood, anxious, competitive, and depleted.

My ‘Soul Circles’ retreats and workshops are designed to be restorative experiences that leave you feeling uplifted, rested, validated, inspired, and unstuck.

  • Enjoy conversations that lead to powerful aha’s

  • Unravel and relax into feeling safe, seen, and supported

  • Tune into your soul and discover what you’re deeply craving

  • Gain practical insights that lead to bold action

  • Make new connections with other kind and light-hearted women

Taking care of yourself is vital to your longevity and happiness. Spiritual self-care practices, routines, and rituals help you reconnect with the wisest parts of yourself so you have the clarity and energy needed to navigate life’s challenges with more grace and confidence.

Are you long overdue for a pause—a cozy space to reset your self-care compass?

To stay in the know about upcoming Soul Circles, retreats, and workshops, sign up below. I also invite you to join me on Instagram, where my community has daily conversations and weekly chats about spiritual and emotional wellness.