Do you hold yourself back because you’re afraid to let your true self shine?

Spiritual Empowerment Coaching For Women ✧ Based In New Jersey ✧ Serving Clients Worldwide

Somewhere along your journey, you learned ways of showing up in the world that are perfectly ‘acceptable’ but not the true you.

Inauthenticity is incredibly normal because one of our most primal human needs is to feel a sense of belonging.

  • If blending in is what it takes to fit in, we do it.

  • If acquiescing keeps the peace, we zip it.

  • If exploring our creativity doesn’t fit with the expectations others have for us, we stuff it.

Maintaining this disconnect is exhausting.

Spiritual empowerment coach michelle caravella pulls an oracle card

Your inner wisdom—or soul—is always whispering to you to live your life fully.

But our default is to ignore these whispers. Why? Because it takes enormous courage, vulnerability, and patience to navigate our inner shadows, let alone make the necessary adjustments that will lead us back to ourselves.

True Self Coaching will help you transform into the woman you dream of becoming.

If you want things to change, then things simply cannot stay the same. As your coach, I’ll share simple and practical tools to help you make profound mindset changes so you can step into your true and best self.

Are you ready to stop people-pleasing your way through life?

  • Learn how to love and accept who you truly are

  • Build your confidence so you can relax and be real in all situations

  • Attract better relationships, opportunities, and experiences

  • Prioritize yourself—your creative ideas and adventurous interests

  • Align your external environment so it feels lovely and supportive

  • Navigate challenges with more flow and ease

  • Stop doubting yourself

You get to live this life once, and the clock is ticking. It’s time to put some new practices in place that help you greet each day with enthusiasm and resilience—knowing that your soul won’t lead you astray. Ever.

Michelle Caravella sips a cup of tea

I’m Michelle and I’m glad you’re here.

For years, I held myself back because I was afraid to let myself be seen. Call it what you want—shyness, introversion, low self-esteem—I muted how I showed up in the world because I was afraid of what others might think of me.

  • I didn’t feel confident sharing my opinions

  • I pretended to be a different version of myself on dates

  • I doubted my intuitive reactions to people and situations

Can you relate?

The thing that finally brought everything into precise focus for me also gutted me.

My dad was diagnosed with cancer. 

If you’ve never held a dear one’s hand when they’ve taken their last breath in this lifetime, I will tell you, you will never ever look at life the same again.

My anger and sorrow turned molten and burned through me, dislodging a lifetime of people-pleasing bullshit along with it.

  • I went to therapy

  • I made mindfulness and self-awareness a priority

  • I built my business as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

  • I became educated and experienced in Human Design—a spiritual method that reveals how your energy is unique, how your aura works, how you are designed to make decisions, what your strengths are, and what your life purpose is.

My journey back to my soul liberated me from the fear of being my true self—in my career, my relationships…basically, every area of my life!

Michelle caravella practices a meditation exercise

The True Self Coaching framework helps compassionate, ambitious women stop hiding and stop waiting to step into their power.

When you truly accept, appreciate, and honor who you are:

  • You walk a little taller

  • You laugh a little louder

  • You say ‘hell yeah’ to exciting things that used to scare you

  • You peel away from toxic people with clarity

  • You embrace and celebrate courageous milestones

  • You attract opportunities like a magnet

  • You feel good in your skin, maybe for the first time ever

Here’s what your coaching journey looks like:

  • True Self Coaching is a 12-week program

  • We’ll meet for an hour every week via my video conference line

  • Your sessions are a compassionate and safe healing space for your inner healing and growth

  • I’ll share guidance, insights, and practices to help unlock your ability to connect with your true self 

  • You will be lovingly challenged & coached to use what you learn ‘in the  real  world’ and show up more confidently & courageously as your true self 

  • Each week, you’ll make exciting discovers about who you really are, which will be the foundation for new ways of communicating and connecting with others

  • We’ll set goals and intentions at the end of every session, so you have a roadmap until we meet again

  • You’ll get resources and support when it’s helpful and appropriate

  • I’ll provide spiritual guidance that helps you connect with your inner wisdom and dismantle deeply engrained beliefs or blocks

Feedback From Clients

How to get started:

Step 1

Sign up for a quick 30-minute (free) phone consultation. When booking your call, you’ll fill out a short coaching application.

Step 2

During your free call, I’ll answer your questions about the program so you can determine if True Self coaching is a good fit for you.

Step 3

If you’d like to move forward, we’ll coordinate your start date and organize your next steps.

Ready to transform your life from the inside out?