Become the best version of yourself by going deeper than dieting.

Nutrition Coaching For Women ✧ Based In New Jersey ✧ Serving Clients Worldwide

When we feel personally miserable or unhappy in our bodies, it’s tempting to turn our lives upside down with things like:

  • Cutting carbs, eating vegan, intermittent fasting, or tracking macros

  • Starting a new exercise plan

  • Buying supplements that ‘burn’ or ‘melt’ fat

  • Signing up for a meal delivery service

  • Joining Weight Watchers

Michelle caravella looks out at the ocean

Most of us are taught that a restrictive diet served up with a side of self-hate and shameful motivation is the solution to our weight gain, binge eating, and struggles with food.

I’m here to tell you, as an experienced nutritionist, that it’s not.

And if you’re really honest with yourself, you know those things aren’t long-term answers either. 

In fact, you may have firsthand experience that even though your favorite YouTuber swears by her supplements, teas, gadgets, and routines — for you, they were expensive and ineffective wastes of time that left you frustratingly back where you started. 

Except now you feel worse because it confirmed all the shitty things you say to yourself about your body and your ability to follow through.

I’m here to tell you with absolute confidence—that there is an alternative to the toxic silver-bullet advice peddled in the mainstream wellness world.

The secret is soul.

Michelle Caravella works with a client

I’m Michelle.

I’m a Spiritual Registered Dietitian and Empowerment Coach who helps uncage women from diet culture by guiding them to create a more nourishing connection with body, mind, and spirit.

I know these things are possible for you:

  • Losing weight and keeping it off

  • Finding balance and joy in eating

  • Stopping dieting or binging to create the illusion of control

  • Having a peaceful, neutral relationship with your body

  • Feeling happier, healthier, and more relaxed

Michelle caravella practices yoga

The process of Normalizing Your Nutrition is a twelve-week coaching journey that brings your body, mind, and soul into alignment.

Our work together incorporates the best of nutrition science with the best of spiritual attunement that helps you:

  • Develop your self-awareness

  • Discover what you’re really craving

  • Dismantle your sabotaging thoughts

  • Understand your emotions around food

  • Nourish your soul with joy and pleasure

photo of a peach colored flower

Phase 01

In the early stages of your coaching journey, we’ll get to the root of what’s been holding you back with losing weight, finding balance in your eating, and feeling happy in your life. This is crucial because you can’t transform what you’re not aware of.

photo of brightly colored fruit

Phase 02

You’ll learn the basic principles of healthy, balanced eating and will be provided with simple, practical steps that create physical results. In this phase, you’ll ease into habit changes that will feel good and last a lifetime.

photo of a woman writing in a journal

Phase 03

In the final phase of your coaching journey, you will be given tools and guidance to sustain your newfound healthy changes in ways that are customized to your unique needs. Think meal planning guides, shopping lists, and handouts created just for you — so you can continue integrating your new mindsets and skills with ease.

Along the way, I’ll provide spiritual alignment practices and perspectives that help you release energy blocks and beliefs you may not have thought to address before but are necessary for lasting change. 

Here’s what my clients love about coaching with me:

  • They never have to ‘diet’ again

  • They save time, energy, and money by learning how to create a healthy lifestyle that works for them

  • They free themselves from their lifelong struggles with food

  • They silence the noise of obsessing about their weight so they can hear their souls’ whispers and start living on purpose

Feedback From Clients

Michelle Caravella dances in the sand

I get it. I really do:

Prior to becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I struggled too. The mental chaos of wanting to be healthy but also wanting to enjoy things that made me feel happy—like a delicious bowl of ice cream or Sunday night dinners with my Italian family—led to repetitive cycles of obsessing about food, binge eating, and then feeling like crap.

I created the successful Normalizing Your Nutrition coaching process seven years ago— because nutrition should feel neutral, natural, and normal. It shouldn’t be something that confuses or exhausts us. Our relationship with food shouldn’t diminish our self-worth.

I’m proud and grateful to say that as a result of normalizing my own nutrition almost a decade ago:

  • I’m off the diet hamster wheel because eating in a balanced, nourishing way is second nature

  • I can enjoy an occasional non-nutritious but oh-so-delicious meal or dessert without stress

  • Experimenting with fad diets or celebrity-endorsed supplements is not remotely interesting to me

  • I feel at peace with my body and maintain good health (even during challenging times)

  • I have the energy and clarity to go after my dreams and live my soul’s purpose

Here’s what your coaching journey looks like:

  • Normalizing Your Nutrition is a twelve-week coaching program

  • We’ll meet for an hour every week via my video conference line

  • Each session is a safe, healing space you’ll look forward to

  • I’ll provide a compassionate, listening ear and powerful insights grounded in evidence-based nutrition support

  • We’ll set goals and intentions at the end of every session, so you have a roadmap until we meet again

  • You’ll receive resources during each of the three coaching phases to help ensure your success

  • I’ll provide spiritual guidance that helps you connect with your inner wisdom and dismantle deeply engrained beliefs or blocks

How to get started:

Step 1

Sign up for a quick 30-minute (free) phone consultation. When booking your call, you’ll fill out a short coaching application.

Step 2

During your free call, I’ll answer your questions about the program so you can determine if Normalizing Your Nutrition coaching is a good fit for you.

Step 3

If you’d like to move forward, we’ll coordinate your start date and organize your next steps.

Are you excited to develop a peaceful, relaxed, and normal relationship with your body and food?